This Iron Body training set is used to kickstart the internal iron development of all Clear’s Silat students.
Iron Body Training FAQ
Q. How much practice time do I need?
A. We recommend at least 20 – 30 minutes per day. (It will take some time to build up to 20 minutes per day. Eventually you could do up to 1 hour if desired.)
Q. How long will it take to develop my Iron Body.
A. That depends on how hard and consistently you train and how much previous development and experience you have. Clear’s Silat students usually begin to see noticeable development in 1 – 2 months.
Q. Are there any special diet, qigong or abstinence required with this practice?
A. You will learn a Bone Marrow Washing method on this dvd that must be practice along with this Iron Body Method. For best results you will need to eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest and keep your vices to a minimum.
Q. Does this method need equipment such as iron/bamboo/mung bean beaters or similar stuff?
A. The Kuntao Silat method is internal. There is no equipment needed.
Q. Does the method covers all the body?
A. Yes, it covers the whole body from head to toe.